Techarticles.Me – Krita is a professional FREE and open source painting program. It is made by artists that want to

Techarticles.Me – EdrawMax is a diagramming software that can help you create org charts, percentages, mesh charts, maps and much

Techarticles.Me – Inkscape is a windows graphics editor software. The app can create architect designs, cartoons, diagrams, and clip art.

Techarticles.Me – IrfanView is a very fast, small, compact and innovative for Windows. The app is trying to create new

Techarticles.Me – FotoSketcher can turn your photos into art. Over 20 different styles are available from pencil sketches to watercolor

Techarticles.Me – Image Tuner is a free batch image resizing, renaming, conversion and watermarking software with a super-intuitive and straightforward